A few of the pictures we had taken on Saturday...
Today represented a major milestone in the life of Mitchell in that he's now spending his first day with Ashley!
While Mitchell and Daddy seemed to take this in stride, it caused much sadness and consternation for his mother. She'll be OK, though. Not sure I'll see much of my son this afternoon, though. I have a feeling that Leigh and Mitchell will make a beeline for the bedroom when they get home and lock themselves in.
In addition to Mitchell spending his first full day away from Mom and Dad, he's also spending it without his big sister. Unfortunately, after a big pumpkin carving party on Saturday night, Kam came home and did her best "Exorcist" impression. The shame of it is that she didn't even have that much to drink that night. Just a couple juiceboxes. Since she was sporting a good 101 for part of yesterday, it was decided that she and her Daddy would spend today at home getting her nursed back to health.
The silver lining to this cloud, however, is that it will give Ashley an opportunity to spend a day getting used to Mitchell without "Big Sister" critiquing her performance and telling her how to do her job.
Everything else here has been going very well. Lots of company over the past few weeks. Otherwise, we've just been getting used to each other. We're starting to get our schedules down pat.
This morning, Mitchell and I started off with a bottle (for him, not me) and, after some chow, headed upstairs for a shower. Much like his sister when SHE was still an infant, Mitchell LOVES the shower. Since we didn't have to worry about getting Kam ready, it was a little more relaxed but, as long as her morning attitude is good, she's pretty easy in the mornings. Leigh and Mitchell headed out the door at 6:45.
This afternoon, Leigh and Mitchell will come home, we'll play for a bit, have some dinner and play some more. At 10:30, Mitchell and Daddy will wrap up the evening with a bottle (for both of us this time) and head to bed. The next morning, we'll start all over again.
Not a whole lot of other milestones to report yet. Mitchell's working diligently on finding his smile and, occasionally, succeeds. He gets a kick out of being kissed on his dimple. He's also been doing some bodybuilding and is progressing well towards his goal of holding his head up by himself. A little more tummy-time and he'll have it down.
As for the recent blog silence, we hope that is now resolved (until the next problem comes up) and we should be able to provide pictures and anecdotes on a more frequent basis. Keep your fingers crossed.
A place where you can find out about the goings-on of Mitchell and his family.