Friday, September 7, 2007

Four Days Old And Already In A Tanning Bed

His Aunt Meredith will be so proud...

Little Man went in for his first check up today. Overall, he is very healthy. He's still hanging around 6 lbs, 7 ozs, is eating very well and is progressing just like he's supposed to. Unfortunately, however, he continues to be a little jaundiced.

We got some lab work back earlier and, because his billirubin numbers are still a little elevated, he's gotta have some phototherapy. His time in the sunlight and our frequent walks around the neighborhood didn't quite cut it.

A medical supply company is on their way over with, essentially, a baby tanning bed that he will be sleeping in all night tonight. Tomorrow we will take him back to the hospital to have new blood work done and may then have an idea of how long he will have to continue his "tanning".

Leave it to my kids...both of them brought home some issues...Kamryn with her twice-daily antibiotic injections and Mitchell with photo therapy. No complaints, though. If this minor inconvenience is the worst we have to deal with, we are truly blessed.

Aside from his slight yellow tinge, he's doing great. When he's not sleeping, he eats like a madman. He's got two parents and a sister who are doing their best to give him a major case of lap colic as it seems like he's being held constantly. His Grammie and Bobo, who got here on Wednesday, are assisting in that endeavor. Grammie is going to need a couple days rest after this trip as Kamryn has been running her ragged. Mitchell and his Bobo should be well rested, however, as they're both asleep on the couch as I type. It's a position they both seem to enjoy...frequently.

Last night we had a little "Welcome Home, Birthday Boy" dinner and Kamryn and I baked a cake for the event. Kam did a FABULOUS job helping me crack eggs, mix the batter, ice the cake and apply a generous amount of sprinkles. We're going to turn her into a chef yet.

I've kept copious notes of Mitchell's first couple days but, as I'm still on a temporary internet connection, I'm a little hesitant to start telling the story. Once I'm officially back online, I'll bore everyone with ALL of the details.

Phototherapy light has just arrived. More updates as they happen...and as I have internet access.

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