Sunday, September 2, 2007

A Couple Administrative Notes

Did a little work on the blog and thought I'd let you in on some minor changes...

1. Changed the "Comments" preferences so that anyone can add comments without registering. Thought I did that in the first place but Krissy brought it to my attention that I was wrong.

2. Added some pictures of the family on the left hand column. These were pictures taken a few weeks ago. The problem with them, however, is that they stretched horizontally when I added them, making us look much fatter than we actually are. I figure, however, that I'll leave them. This way, next time you see us, we'll look much thinner than we do in the pictures and you can compliment us on how great we all look.

For those who added comments, thanks a lot! For those who didn't, you've got a temporary reprieve. My plan, once this blog gets some more meat to it, is to print it, bind it and put it in the family library (and no, I don't mean the master bathroom) for future reference. Make sure you're in it!!!

More updates later. Off to church we go!


Anonymous said...

He's beautiful and I'm seeing the twisted steel and chick appeal. Kamryn looks ready to jump in and assist, what a cutie, especially the color coordinated pick nail polish! Have a great visit with Roland and Susan, look forward to seeing the family on your next visit to Texas. Love, Cheryl

Anonymous said...

He is a doll. The perfect weight and size!!!I talked to Bella last night and told her she had to wait until Mitchell was her size before she could pay him back, lol. Mitchell better be ready. Love you guys.