Wednesday, September 5, 2007

An Interesting Conversaion

An E-mail dialogue between Mom and Dad 8/31/2007:

Date: Friday, August 31, 2007, 08:27 AM
From: Leigh
To: Bill
Subject: Thank you!

Thank you so much for letting me come in early this morning...I have gotten so much done and am still working!!! Mitchell is on a small sugar high...a student brought in the BEST homemade cake that had caramel in the center and chocolate icing...YUM!!!!!!! And some Dr. pepper to go with it...breakfast of a puker...

How is KT?
Love you -

Date: Friday, August 31, 2007, 08:36 AM
From: Bill
To: Leigh
Subject: Re: Thank you!

You're welcome. Glad you got a lot accomplished! Let's not get Mitchell too high, please. A hyper baby at 37 weeks is probably not the best thing in the world.

KT is fine. She was ready to go see her friends so I took her just a few minutes ago. Walked out without the shot record, thought. Ashley said "no biggie".

Hope you have a great day. 3 DAY WEEKEND!!! (and hopefully not a 50 day weekend just yet...)

I love you!


Funny how that worked out, innit??

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