Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mitchell and Daddy at Work

Not much to update:

Daddy and Mitchell woke up around 6:15 Tuesday morning to start their day. Daddy fired up his laptop and started answering 8 days worth of e-mails and Mitchell went to work eating. After Mitchell finished up with his job, he came down to join Daddy on the couch to provide a little support.

Had another follow-up Dr's appointment. Between Kam and Mitchell, we've now seen the pediatrician 4 times in 10 days. When he entered the exam room, the Doc said "Wow, it's like we're becoming old friends!", to which Daddy responded, "Yeah, but old friends don't charge to see each other!". Fortunately, the Doctor has a sense of humor and took the comment in the spirit in which it was intended.

Mitchell got a clean bill of health and is now back up to 6 lbs, 12 ozs...5 ounces heavier than he was on Friday and only 2 ounces shy of his birth weight. He's a growing boy!

After having a little lunch at Right Wing Tavern, Mitchell and Daddy sacked out on the couch for a brief nap (as evidenced by the picture above) while Mommy checked her work e-mail. This little catnap was short-lived but enjoyed by all.

The rest of the day followed its normal routine. Kam came home, played for a while, then dinner, bath and books. After prayers were said, Mama went to bed while Mitchell and Daddy returned to the couch for a little TV (I'm starting to see a trend here). At 11:00, it was lights out for the whole family.

1 comment:

Krissy said...

I'm glad to hear he is doing well. Y'all look so cozy :)